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BenchMaster an industry leader in shooting tables andaccessories introduces the new Sniper Seat 360: the ultimateshooting solution. Not only can the seat be used for targetpractice and scouting but with...
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BenchMaster an industry leader in shooting tables andaccessories introduces the new Sniper Seat 360: the ultimateshooting solution. Not only can the seat be used for targetpractice and scouting but with features such as multi-positionlegs that level the seat on uneven terrain and full 360-degreerotation capability this seat can be used in the field for extremetarget shooting and hunting.
- Durable foam back seat and arm rests for comfort
- Full 360 degree rotation: both with and without the legs attached
- Power-coated lightweight steel that avoids rust
- Backpack straps for easy transport to the field
- Adjustable back and seat for 50 degree recline
- Removable arms for bow hunting
- Multi-position legs to level the chair on uneven terrain
- High-quality cordura webbing for all weather use
- Arm extension for gun rest and optional camera mount
- Super quiet rotation
- Large solid foot plates for stability
- Five year warranty