Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We have prepared this statement to inform you of the privacy principles that govern this web site, We are dedicated to delivering the best optics to U.S. consumers for the lowest price available. Our success is measured in customer satisfaction and attained one transaction at a time. We live by the Golden Rule and believe that no sale is so valuable as to cause us to compromise this way of life. Simply stated, your needs are more important than our gains.

This also includes respecting your concerns about privacy. Understanding that you may have questions about how this web site collects and uses the information that you provide to us we have established this Privacy Policy as a result. We use information we collect from you to process your order. We do not make email addresses gathered via your HuntingVIP accounts available to third parties, though emails gathered via newsletter opt-ins will occasionally be used for marketing initiatives with trusted partners.

Because we may change our Privacy Policy from time to time, we urge you to review this policy each time you visit our site. Subject to the above provisions, by using our web site, you consent to the collection and use of information by us and the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Saving Credit Cards on

We're very pleased to be able to offer our customers the ability to save their credit cards for the convenience of return shopping. However, it's worth noting a few points regarding this feature, so that you can understand how seriously we take your privacy with respect to credit card information:

  • We never, ever store your actual credit card information on this site, even when we "save" your credit card. The payment gateway issues us a token that represents your card information, and this token cannot be reverse-engineered to represent you or your credit card information at any other store in the world - it doesn't contain your card information and can't be used anywhere else.
  • We don't allow you to add new shipping addresses without re-entering your card information. Adding a new shipping address means we ask you for your card info again, to prove you're you.
  • We've increased the password complexity requirements so that your account is more secure.

If after reviewing this Statement, you have any questions or privacy concerns please send a letter to us.

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